One of my first contributions to a project (that wasn't some team of people I had met prior) was FCC (FreeCodeCamp) with a couple of random ones for my first Hacktober. I've been wanting to contribute again and after doing a React refresher (checking out what's new/etc, things I didn't get to encounter/use at work) I figured why not contribute to that. So, I made some notes as I went along at what I could 'fix' and today when I sat down to get started I realized I had left my notes behind (lol), but more importantly I wasn't sure how I did it last time... did I fork it? What did I do first?
Turns out, yes, that is exactly first stop... fork it.
fork it
clone it (your fork) -- if you've ever worked with a team this step should be familiar territory as the steps that follow.
create a folder on your machine on where it will go and run the git clone
git pull
from original repo.
git pull < main
git push
create a branch, give it some form of description
git checkout -b whatever-you-decide-to-name-your-branch-goes-here
is shorthand for branch) and puts you on it due to checkout
make your changes; add, commit, push
git push
may not be enough, you may get a message similar to git push --set-upstream origin your-branch-name
create a PR (pull request)
describe what your PR is about (what changes it entails)
let people know purpose, changes made, etc. It is possible there may be a template to follow on the project/repo, if not, try to be as descriptive as possible.
Below is what I submitted recently. Honestly, I was having trouble deciding what/how much to include. The last time I did one of these I was on a project where there was a template to include information wanted/expected.
PR Title:
addresses minor issues in the lessons/documentation
PR Body:
PR addresses minor issues in the lessons/documentation: typos, grammar, and occasional syntax or version issue. The goal is to improve overall clarity and readability of course lessons.
Changes Made:
- Corrected typos/spelling.
- Fixed grammatical errors to improve readability/clarity.
- Adjusted syntax (redux-lesson 14) on one example, due to reassignment, eg: const >> let.
- Added note to module installation (c8-testing-lesson 15) about possibly encountering an error where (for the sake of following along the lesson) the original version used would likely be necessary.
once done, submit away
Now you wait on feedback...
keep an eye out for any questions/concerns/etc about your changes and be prepared to appease/explain/etc
changes approved? your PR will be merged in. Take a moment, do a happy dance or whatever your vibe is and repeat the process either on the same project or another one you may have found in the wild.
Something I came across after?... during?... while? (I don't remember now :D) submitting my PR - this how to contribute guide!